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Today we take you to the outskirts of Guadalajara, Mexico on the Pacific side of the country, where we find Juan Carlos Salazar and his fine glass craftsmanship. Running his business for over three decades, he is THE man behind the beautiful Mexican glass pieces we've been able to share over the years at the Bazaar. ⁠

Juan Carlos runs his business alongside his extended family. Multiple generations are involved in the process, with his parents still closely involved in providing direction and guiding the production process. On their production site, they employ over 20 skilled artisans who specialize in all the different stages of production. One of the challenges with this trade is the lack of interest from the younger generation. The Mexican government and various community initiatives have been doing their part by offering programs that aim to build understanding around the profession and support learning opportunities for incoming skilled workers. ⁠

Our Mexican glass products come in a variety of shapes and sizes and add a splash of colour to any setting. The glass is mouth-blown, made from recycled glass, primarily tequila and liquor bottles that are melted down and reformed into these beautiful shapes bringing a taste of fiesta to your table!

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